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Belarus, Russia completing creation of stem cells center in Minsk


The establishment of the stem cells center in Minsk is nearing completion, Acting Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov has said during a media tour for Russian, Belarusian and Union State journalists on 18 June. The media tour is titled “Common educational space of the Union State: new trends. Organization of academic and research activities”, BelTA has learnt.

The stem cells center is to become one of the leading research facilities in this field in the CIS. It is set up jointly by Russian and Belarusian scientists.

“Russia banned the establishment of stem cells centers because of concerns over their possible misuse by commercial companies. Russian scientists came with their suggestions to Belarus,” Vladimir Gusakov said. He noted that Russia is now considering legalization of this kind of centers.

The participants of the meeting underlined that the development of cellular technologies is a process that needs time. It is important to guard against illegal use of these technologies. “It is unlikely to happen in Belarus, because the country applies tough control in this field,” the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is convinced.

Vladimir Gusakov noted that Russia and Belarus have plans to consider mutual recognition of the results of pre-clinical and clinical tests. This will facilitate the access of Belarusian drugs to the Russian market. Now repeated tests should be conducted in Russia before Belarusian medicines are allowed access to the Russian marketplace. These tests might take up to three years to complete.