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Belarus-Russia draft cooperation agreement on GLONASS use ready by June


The draft intergovernmental agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on cooperation in the use and development of the Russian global navigation satellite system GLONASS will be ready in June. The issue was discussed at the talks between the executives of the State Military Industrial Committee of Belarus and representatives of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) in Minsk on 29-30 April, BelTA learnt from PR representative of the State Military Industrial Committee Vladimir Lavrenyuk.

The delegation of the Federal Space Agency was led by Roscosmos Deputy Head Sergei Savelyev, the delegation of the State Military Industrial Committee was headed by Deputy Chairman Igor Bykov.

The draft agreement was approved as a basis for holding talks by Belarus President’s Decree No.231 of 14 May 2012 “Concerning talks on the draft international agreement and its signing”. “The parties discussed the draft agreement and its new wording with all additions and amendments, agreed to continue procedures of its interstate coordination in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation in line with the legislations of the two states and set the date for signing the agreement – before 28 June 2013,” Vladimir Lavrenyuk said.

The agreement is based on the main provisions of the international agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on cooperation in the exploration and peaceful use of outer space (signed on 15 March 2011) and is aimed at expanding the scope of its activity in part of developing an appropriate organizational and legal framework for mutually beneficial cooperation in the concrete areas of joint activity related to the use and development of the GLONASS system and the relevant satellite navigation technologies.

Similar agreements on cooperation in the use of the GLONASS system have already been signed with Ukraine, India, Cuba, and Kazakhstan. The civil navigation signals will be used by consumers free of charge and limit.

Chairman of the State Military Industrial Committee Sergei Gurulev held a working meeting with the head of the Russian delegation on 29 April to discuss cooperation prospects in practical realization of the agreement.