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Belarus-Russia R&D cooperation to advance in space industry, pharmaceutics, transport


MINSK, 19 January (BelTA) – Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology (SCST) of Belarus Sergei Shlychkov has outlined plans for advancing R&D cooperation with Russia in an interview with BelTA.

Sergei Shlychkov said: “The formation of the common scientific and technological space of the Union State of Belarus and Russia is on the agenda now. The realization of Union State R&D programs is supposed to play an important role in it. Let me give you some examples. The implementation of the new program Intelavto began last year. Onboard electronics systems for automobiles will be developed as part of the program. They will surpass the existing world analogs. Engine control systems will be developed as well as onboard safety, robotized driving systems, and highly effective electric motors and other components for electric and hybrid transport.”

The Complex-SG program is a continuation of Union State space programs. According to Sergei Shlychkov, its realization is supposed to start as early as in Q1 2023. “This program will focus on creating nano satellites, equipment for observing and monitoring the atmosphere. A small spacecraft and two nano satellites (a Russian one and a Belarusian one) will be created. The realization of this ambitious program will allow us to not only create and make high-tech products on our territory but also train personnel for the space industry,” the official stressed.

Plans are in place to start financing two more programs this year. The Union-Biomembranes program will focus on the development of pharmacologically active compounds, cell therapy technologies, identification methods for treating oncological, autoimmune, cardiovascular, and infectious diseases. The program Combined Feed 3 is geared towards the development and introduction of modern recipes for making a new generation of feed supplements for livestock animals, poultry, and fish.
