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Belarus, Russia urged to establish legislative framework before creating single sci-tech space

The creation of a single scientific and economic space in the Belarus-Russia Union State should be preceded by the development of the legal framework. Piotr Vityaz, Chief of Staff of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, said as he took part in an expert and media forum on the development of science in the Belarus-Russia Union State on 24 November, BelTA has learned.

“The legislative framework is our number one problem. Its establishment should precede the creation of the single scientific and technological space, because we first adopt national laws and then try to harmonize them within the Union State,” he noted.

Besides, the procedure for adopting programs should be simplified, Piotr Vityaz believes. “We need to be able to adopt not only programs but also projects, and also take a more active part in the development of Union State programs,” Piotr Vityaz stressed.

State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota pointed out that the development of the legislative framework to a great extent depends on the very scientists. “They should state their needs clearly. A lot depends on our legislators who should be more active, and also on us since executive agencies frequently initiate amendments to the legislation,” he said.

Moscow is hosting the expert and media forum from 24 through 25 November. The event is aimed at discussing the current matters of scientific cooperation between Belarus and Russia and drawing attention to the informational component of the development of science in the two countries.

Partaking in the forum are State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of Belarus in Russia Pavel Legky, and Chief of Staff of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Piotr Vityaz. Besides, the list of participants includes representatives of the Union State Permanent Committee, Belarusian and Russian ministries and government agencies, the leading research institutions and universities of the two countries, coordinators of Union State programs and projects, heads of media companies, and public figures.

The program of the forum includes presentations of Union Sate hi-tech projects and solutions by Belarusian and Russian scientists in space medicine and next-generation pharmaceuticals.
Tags: cooperationRussiascience