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Belarus seeks closer cooperation with South Korea in ICT

Belarus plans to intensify cooperation with South Korea in information and communication technologies, Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee Alexander Shumilin said at the opening of the third Belarusian-Korean forum, Science. Innovations. Production, on 16 October, BelTA learnt from the press service of the committee.

“The development of the information society is one of Belarus’ national priorities. We see our main goal in intensifying mutually beneficial cooperation with South Korea in this area,” Alexander Shumilin noted. In his words, South Korea is a world leader in e-government development, IT penetration and support of projects in ICT.

Alexander Shumilin also noted that the two countries have been recently showing an increased interest in exchanging visits. There is a center of the Belarusian-Korean technical cooperation. The center considered 800 proposals on commercializing Belarusian technologies on the South Korean market, signed 18 documents on cooperation and concluded over 50 research contracts with South Korean companies worth $2 million.

According to Alexander Shumilin, Belarusian scientific organizations and specialists are interested in expanding cooperation with South Korean counterparts in energy, energy saving and renewable energy resources, new materials, nano and biotechnologies, ICT.