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Belarus seeks more foreign scientists


Belarus plans to involve more foreign scientists in its projects, acting Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) Vladimir Gusakov said during the press tour for the representatives of the Russian, Belarusian and the Union State mass media highlighting the Union State common education space and the organization of the educational and research process on 18 June.

According to Vladimir Gusakov, there is no mass brain drain from Belarus. “There are isolated cases in which scientists move to Russia,” he stressed. Belarusian scientists immigrate to the western countries more seldom.

The Belarusian science has reached the level when it is capable of inviting foreign scientists for the implementation of its projects in various areas. Today the country is mulling over the ways to attract more foreign scientists in the country.

Apart from it, Belarus trains foreign undergraduates, including from Russia.

The average age for a scientist in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is 48, while it was more than 49 last year. The number of young scientists in the NASB organizations has considerably increased in the recent years. Nearly half of the Belarusian scientists are women.
Tags: science