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Belarus' State Committee on Science and Technology, JINR to set up big data cloud cluster


MINSK, 1 December (BelTA) – Belarus' State Committee on Science and Technology and the international intergovernmental organization Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) will set up a cloud cluster for processing big data. JINR Director, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Grigory Trubnikov mentioned it during an international science to practice conference on scientific and technological security, BelTA has learned. The conference is dedicated to the 30th anniversary since the foundation of the State Committee on Science and Technology.

Grigory Trubnikov said: “Belarus' State Committee on Science and Technology is part of our international innovative nanotechnology center Dubna. We have been cooperating with the committee since its foundation and we can take pride in the huge number of fundamental developments in the area of healthcare, in research into DNA regeneration, into neutron activation methods for ecology and biomonitoring. For instance, Belarusian specialists have used our research reactor to compile an atlas of various territories polluted with heavy metals. It is extremely helpful for planning agriculture, for utilizing farmlands. We also work together on satellite systems and computer-aided computations.”

The official noted that JINR and the State Committee on Science and Technology intend to set up a cloud computing cluster in Minsk in order to process big data. This cluster will be useful for economy, on labor markets, and for experimentation with high-energy physics.

The academician stressed: “Apart from that, together with the State Committee on Science and Technology and institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus we have created a unique technology of superconducting systems for accelerating beams of heavy particles and protons. It is a most important tool for treating oncological diseases.”

Grigory Trubnikov added that they had developed cooperation with Belarusian higher education institutions over the course of 30 years of joint work of the State Committee on Science and Technology and JINR. Thousands of highly qualified specialists, engineers as well as scientists in the field of physics and nuclear physics methods, computer science, and other fields were trained.

“Cooperation with Belarus focuses on creation and development of new-generation electronic components. We need them for detectors in the field of high-energy physics while the State Committee on Science and Technology uses these R&D products for space satellite programs, medical devices, automated control systems, and other things. We will strive towards creating new-generation detectors,” Grigory Trubnikov summed it up.
