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Belarus studies Singapore’s e-government expertise

Belarus is studying Singapore’s experience in promoting electronic government, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry.

This topic was on the agenda of the visit of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Indonesia and Singapore (on concurrent) Vladimir Lopato-Zagorsky to Singapore. The Belarusian diplomat met with Deputy Director of Europe Directorate of the Foreign Ministry of Singapore Rozana Abdul Majid to discuss the exchange of visits on various levels and the development of the legal framework of the bilateral relations.

Vladimir Lopato-Zagorsky also met with Director of the Emerging Markets Division of the Ministry of Trade an Industry of Singapore Francis Chong to discuss the visit of representatives of Singapore’s Ministry of Trade an Industry and local businessmen to Belarus.

The Ambassador took part in the meeting of Director of the Belarus Hi-Tech Park Administration Valery Tsepkalo with top executives of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore to discuss Singapore’s expertise and knowledge in promoting e-government and ways to establish bilateral cooperation in information technologies. Besides, Vladimir Lopato-Zagorsky met with several company chiefs who would like to study business opportunities in Belarus.