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Belarus’ telecom market to become more attractive

Belarusian Cloud Technologies (beCloud operator) has launched commercial operation of a backbone network for the single nationwide data transmission network, Director General of Belarusian Cloud Technologies Sergei Poblaguyev told reporters on 31 July, BelTA has learnt.

At present the network encompasses the oblast capitals, Minsk and 34 district capitals, all in all 40 settlements. It is meant for telecom providers – mobile network operators, Internet providers and organizations. Using this network, they will be able to start operating in Belarusian regions avoiding huge capital outlays. According to Sergei Poblaguyev, due to this, providers will not compete on the level of infrastructures, but on the level of services, thus providing customers with new and better services and options. This will also result in faster Internet speeds.

All market players will have an equal access to the single data transmission network, Sergei Poblaguyev underlined. The company is convinced that this project will give a boost to the development of Belarus’ telecom market.

The general contractor of the project is Technoserv AS that was responsible for supplying, mounting and commissioning the equipment and commissioning finished systems. Business Development Director, Russia & CIS, at Technoserv AS Boris Borodyansky expressed confidence that thanks to this network Belarus’ telecom market will become more attractive for new players who will be able to penetrate it with fewer expenses.