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Belarus to expand use of biologically active natural compounds in pharmaceutics

The use of biologically active natural compounds will be expanded in the production of Belarusian pharmaceuticals. The ways of their usage were discussed at the 23rd International Conference on Isoprenoids in Minsk on 5 September, BelTA has learned.

Belarusian scientists have been implementing a number of projects on the application of such compounds in medicine and cancer treatment in particular. This research will be further developed for the production of effective pharmaceutical drugs.

Biologically active natural compounds will also be more actively used in agriculture, perfumery, and food industry. “The research in this area is entering a new level. Scientists are almost ready to artificially change biosynthesis in bacteria in order to make bacteria synthesize the compounds people need for their life activities,” Sergei Usanov, academician of the chemistry and Earth sciences department of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, told reporters.

In turn, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Alexander Sukalo noted that the Minsk conference proves the international recognition of Belarusian scientists. The forum covers a wide range of issues related to isoprenoids: from natural sources of raw materials, chemical synthesis, structural analysis to molecular, genetic engineering and medical aspects. Partaking in the conference are more than 60 scientists from 15 countries. The forum has been organized by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences, the Belarusian State University jointly with the Czech Chemical Society, the University of Chemistry and Technology of Prague, the Phytochemical Society of Europe and other scientific institutions. The conference will run through 7 September.