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Belarus to prepare pilot projects for innovative clusters in 2016

Preparation of pilot projects for the development of innovative industrial clusters in hi-tech sectors will be organized in Belarus in 2016. Such plans are envisaged in the package of measures to address the issues of the social and economic development of Belarus in 2016, which was approved by joint resolution No. 28/2 of the Council of Ministers and the National Bank on 18 January 2016.

"There are plans to start preparing pilot projects aimed at creating innovative industrial clusters in high-tech sectors. It is also intended to create two basic engineering centers to accompany the process of a research product going into production,” reads the statement posted on the website of the Belarusian government. 

A separate block in the document is dedicated to investment and innovation policy. It provides for the implementation of joint investment projects of interregional Chinese-Belarusian cooperation, and the development of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park Great Stone. 

The measures also include the implementation of investment projects of the state investment program in 2016, including the construction of engineering infrastructure of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. "The goal is to increase specialization and improve the effectiveness of regional economies through the further development of industries using local raw materials and resources. The document provides for the development of industrial platforms equipped with engineering and transport infrastructure for the implementation of investment projects in industry, and the creation of new businesses,” the statement said.

In 2016 Belarus is also set to attract investments for the projects to promote cross-border and interregional cooperation, create regional infrastructure, and develop cross-border trade and tourism.