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Belarus to step up cooperation with Siberia in IT

Belarus plans to develop cooperation with Siberia, in IT in particular, Chairman of the Board of the Belcoopsoyuz consumer cooperative society Valery Ivanov said during a ceremony to open Belarus’ national exposition in Novosibirsk on 21 October, BelTA has learned.

“Belarus is interested in expanding cooperation with all regions of the Siberian Federal District. We are ready to continue a constructive dialogue on the issues regarding the advancement of joint projects. In particular, we are determined to step up work in the high technology sector, including medical technology and equipment,” Valery Ivanov stressed.

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Siberian Office of the Russian Academy of Sciences have an agreement on cooperation which currently includes 34 projects in ten areas.

The two sides have been steadily developing bilateral relations. The trade between Belarus and the Siberian Federal District is on constant increase. “We have big reserves in ramping up the export of Belarusian products,” Valery Ivanov noted. In his words, there are a big number of national companies ready to develop cooperation with this Russian district.

The state and prospects of the Belarusian-Siberian partnership will be discussed at the business cooperation Forum Belarus-Siberia on 22 October.

Belarus’ national expo in Novosibirsk has occupied about 5,000 square meters in the central exposition complex Novosibirsk Expocenter. According to Valery Ivanov, it is the biggest presentation of the Belarusian economy since the two parties established bilateral cooperation. The exposition features companies of the Industry Ministry, the Agriculture and Food Ministry, the Energy Ministry, the Information Ministry, the State Military and Industrial Committee, Belcoopsoyuz, the concerns Belgospishcheprom, Bellesbumprom and Bellegprom (over 100 companies).

The expo is held as part of the Belarusian Days in Siberia. The program of the Days also envisage roundtables on various areas of bilateral cooperation, conferences on sci-tech and innovation cooperation at the Siberian office of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a concert featuring Belarusian figures of art.