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Belarus to switch to digital television in May 2015

Belarus will fully switch to digital television broadcasting in May 2015, BelTA learned from Pavel Petrulevich, Head of the Electric Communications Office of the Belarusian Information Technologies and Communications Ministry, on 16 July.

In particular, on 15 May 2015 the remaining ten installations, including the central radio and television broadcasting station in Kolodishchi, will stop analogue broadcasts. In line with the final acts of the regional radiocommunication conference for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service analogue broadcasting is to stop on 17 June 2015 at the latest, noted Pavel Petrulevich.

Belarus is switching to digital broadcasting in compliance with the government program for introducing digital television and radio broadcasting. In line with the program a network of 74 digital television transmitters has been built in Belarus to cover an area where 97.51% of the country’s population lives. In 2014 the coverage will be improved up to 98.1%.