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Belarus to work on legislation protecting ozone layer


Belarusian MPs passed in the second reading the amendments to some laws on the protection of ozone layer on 14 May, BelTA has learned.

Amendments and additions will be introduced to the law on the protection of the ozone layer taking into account the practice of its application. There are plans to bring norms in compliance with international legal acts that make up the legal framework of the Customs Union and the Single Economic Space.

It is envisaged that economical motivation in the protection of the ozone layer will be provided through the establishment of tax and other preferences, in line with the legislation, for corporate and individual entrepreneurs that introduce ozone-safe technologies.

The draft law includes the provisions on the account of ozone-destroying substances, the inventory of equipment and technical equipment containing ozone-depleting substances, as well as the monitoring of the ozone layer.

The amendments were triggered by the need to improve the legislation on the protection of the ozone layer in order to secure the maximum protection of the relations aimed at the prevention of harmful impact on the ozone layer.

The adoption of the bill will help implement measures to prevent the destruction of the ozone layer and promote its restoration for the sake of protecting human life and health and environment from unfavorable consequences entailed by the destruction of the ozone layer and fulfill the country’s commitments to the international agreements in part of the protection of the ozone layer.