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Belarus’ Trade Ministry suspends operation of 13 online stores

Belarus’ Trade Ministry has suspended the operation of 13 online stores, Deputy Trade Minister Irina Narkevich told reporters on 20 December, BelTA has learned.

“The Trade Ministry was glad that online trade has been making good progress in Belarus, however, our online stores have recently decided that they do not have to observe the moratorium on price rises and are above the laws of our country. It should not be like that, therefore we closed 13 online stores and issued warnings to three online platforms,” Irina Narkevich said.

The closed online stores violated the laws on trade and protection of consumer rights, i.e. they did not comply with the requirement to post prices only in Belarusian rubles, to provide full information about the seller, manufacturer and importer and the details of the state registration of self-employed businessmen. The operation of online stores will be resumed on 24 December if they provide evidence proving that they fulfilled the instructions of the Trade Ministry.