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Belarus trains Turkmenistan students for high-tech sectors

Belarus started training students from Turkmenistan for the high-technology sectors, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview to Turkmenistan's mass media, BelTA has learned.

Almost 9,000 students from Turkmenistan study in Belarus. This is nearly half of the number of foreign students in the country. The President stressed that the joint training of specialists for the Turkmenistan economy has reached a new qualitative stage. “Today we do not simply train specialists for you. We continue doing it and start training specialists together for the high technology sector. We bring our best practices to Turkmenistan. Your President pays great attention to personnel training,” the Belarusian leader noted.

The Belarusian head of state stressed that this process has been gaining pace. “Today we are even unable to meet Turkmenistan's needs in training young specialists in full. A decision has been taken to transfer our experience to Turkmenistan. If you need specialists, we will send them. We are addressing this issue together,” he said.