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Belarus, UAE talk over cooperation in healthcare

Belarus and the United Arab Emirates discussed cooperation areas in healthcare, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus.

“On 14 January Belarus’ Ambassador to the UAE Roman Golovchenko met with Healthcare Deputy Minister of the UAE Dr. Mohammad Salim al Olama. The parties talked over the promising areas in healthcare cooperation between the two countries,” the ministry said.

The participants of the meeting agreed to organize a visit for a delegation of the Healthcare Ministry of the UAE to Belarus for extensive discussion of bilateral cooperation in healthcare.

According to the ministry, on 14 January Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Yelena Kupchina met with Charge d’Affaires a.i. of Romania to Belarus Sorin Moldovan. The sides discussed the development of bilateral political and economic cooperation, interaction in other areas of the Belarusian-Romanian relations and expansion of the judicial base.