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Belarus, Venezuela to collaborate in robotic surgery


Robotic surgery will become a new cooperation avenue for Belarus and Venezuela, Director of the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research Eloy Sira said at the 2nd forum “Venezuela-Belarus: achievements and prospects of bilateral relations” on 27 November, BelTA has learnt.

Eloy Sira informed the attendees about Belarus-Venezuela cooperation in science and technology and ongoing and possible cooperation projects in this field. Taking part in the projects are various institutions of the Ministry of People’s Power for Science, Technology and Innovation of Venezuela, including the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, the Center of Astronomical Research and the Venezuelan foundation Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho.

Talks are underway to discuss new projects in cancer treatment using alternative methods and photodynamic therapy. “Taking part in this project will be the National Research Center for Oncology and Radiology of Belarus. The project provides for qualification enhancement courses in photodynamic therapy for Venezuelan doctors in Belarus and courses in robotic surgery for Belarusian doctors in Venezuela,” Eloy Sira said.