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Belarus' vision of new climate agreement during New York summit

Belarus will present its vision of the new climate agreement during the UN Climate Change Conference in New York on 23 September, BelTA learned from Belarusian First Deputy Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Minister Iya Malkina on 17 September.

Organized upon the initiative of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the world climate summit is supposed to draw attention of heads of state of the entire world, of business communities, financial institutions, the production sector and the international community as a whole to the problem of climate change and the new climate agreement, which is supposed to replace the Kyoto Protocol. The new climate agreement is supposed to be ready to be signed in Paris in late 2015, said Iya Malkina.

In her words, Belarus has developed clear understanding of the global processes connected to the climate change problem. As part of the commitments Belarus has undertaken the country has already reduced its emissions by 35% in comparison with 1990.

“The climate change is a global challenge for the entire mankind. It is talked about a lot and the response to it has to be planetwide. Respectively, Belarus intends to present its vision of the new agreement on climate. We also plan to suggest a new approach to the economic incentives implemented by the Kyoto Protocol. Those are primarily incentives targeting producers and investors of one country during the implementation of specific ecological projects and climate investments in another country. We call upon nations to stop profiteering from air,” said the Belarusian First Deputy Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Minister.

At the same time Belarus supports the initiative of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in favor of sustainable energy for everyone and welcomes the development of the complex energy agenda of the United Nations Organization.

Iya Malkina also mentioned Belarus' planned accession to the Minamata Convention on Mercury. “The signing of the convention is of principal importance for us. It will allow us to join the international processes to resolve mercury-related problems,” said the official.

BelTA reported earlier that a Belarusian delegation led by Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich will take part in the UN Climate Change Conference.
Tags: ecologyscience