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Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum to take place in Minsk on 11-14 October

The 21st Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum will take place in Minsk on 11-14 October, BelTA learned from Zhanna Zenkevich, Press Secretary of the Belarusian Energy Ministry.

The Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum will include the 21st international specialized expo Energy. Ecology. Energy Saving. Electro, the 11th specialized expo Water and Air Technologies, the 12th specialized lighting equipment expo ExpoSvet, the 2nd international specialized expo and conference Expogorod, and the 21st Belarusian Energy and Ecology Congress.

Apart from that, the fifth Belarusian-German Energy Forum will take place in Minsk on 11 October to continue the tradition of successful organization of bilateral energy forums. The Belarusian-German Energy Forum will be a one-day event timed to the international expo Energy Expo 2016.

The energy and ecology forum is supposed to highlight modern achievements of science and technology in the area of power engineering, energy saving, environmental protection, and the use of renewable energy sources. Every year the forum is hailed as a unique venue for a meeting of energy industry specialists, ecologists and other specialists from Belarus, CIS and non-CIS states. The forum contributes to the expansion of cooperation, exchange of cutting-edge scientific accomplishments and innovative projects.