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Belarusian Innovation Fund seeks to make part of European network of technology parks

The Belarusian Innovation Fund (BIF) and the Technology Park Warnemuende (Germany) signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of wood processing and automation of manufacturing processes, BelTA learnt from spokesman for the State Committee on Science and Technology Yuri Lukashevich.

It is expected that with the help of the Technology Park Warnemuende the Belarusian Innovation Fund will join the European network of technology parks. The Technology Park Warnemuende is one of the first parks set up in Eastern Germany after its reunification. Currently, it occupies the territory of 1.5ha, has 9 buildings, more than 100 resident companies providing a wide range of services.

The Belarusian delegation headed by the BIF Director Alexander Shumilin was in Germany on a visit from 7 to 11 April. The delegation visited the innovation centers and companies with an aim to establish cooperation and identify areas of collaboration. At the Hanover industrial fair within the Technological Cooperation Day representatives of the Belarusian Innovation Fund held talks with the top executives of the Julich research center on the issues related to transfer of technologies. The center makes up databanks in 25 sci-tech areas, develops special forms for project description.

Belarus negotiated the inclusion of its promising projects into the databank of the Julich center with an aim to find potential partners and investors. While in Berlin, the Belarusian delegation met with the leadership of Adlershof’s largest technopark and visited the innovation fund of the technological university. Cooperation areas and ways for implementation of projects in infrastructure development were discussed in a meeting with the association of German specialists-exporters of scientific parks.

Representatives of the German innovation organizations showed interest in establishing cooperation with the relevant organizations of Belarus. According to the Belarusian Innovation Fund, such cooperation should be focused on concrete projects and joint manufactures.