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Belarusian, Russian academies of sciences announce joint awards

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Russian Academy of Sciences have announced a contest, whose winners will receive awards of the two academies in 2015, the press service of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) told BelTA.

The awards will be presented for outstanding scientific accomplishments secured as part of joint research projects of a great scientific and practical value. Research projects are to be nominated for the awards by 30 June, said the press service.

Three awards of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are bestowed once every three years in the area of human sciences and social sciences, natural sciences, and technical sciences. The award fund totals $30,000, with one award as large as $10,000.

Russian researchers and Belarusian scientists, who are citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus and work in scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, are eligible to receive the awards. The team of researchers for one project nominated for the contest cannot exceed three people from each side.
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