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Belarusian-Russian research products assimilated by SvetlogorskKhimvolokno

As part of the Union State R&D program designed to guide the development of innovative technologies and machines to make competitive composite materials, molds and reinforcing elements in 2012-2016 the Belarusian company OAO SvetlogorskKhimvolokno is working hard to create materials with unique qualities, BelTA learned from the company’s Chief Engineer Vasily Vovk on 26 March.

The joint efforts of scientists and specialists of Belarus and Russia have resulted in technologies and equipment models for manufacturing new polymeric and composite materials, chemical fibers and yarns. “In particular, we have managed to achieve the qualities of heat-resistant fibers and yarns that surpass western analogues,” noted Vasily Vovk. The materials are used to make heat-resistant products for various applications with the operating temperature of 300-350C.

The working lifespan of fabrics made of Arselon fiber is 4-6 times longer than that of conventional fibers. The heat-resistant fiber is used as the foundation to make heat-resistant sewing threads, filtering raised cloth, filtering isolating nonwoven materials for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, cement industry, gas industry, oil industry and other branches of the production sector.

The fulfillment of the projects the Union State R&D program outlines has reduced the consumption of raw materials in the production of carbon fiber materials, has doubled the width of manufactured cloth, and has increased the output capacity of the equipment. The reduction of the prime cost for some fibers can be as high as 20%, noted the Chief Engineer. Carbon composite materials are used for vacuum furnaces, carbonic felt is used for heat insulation in high-temperature furnaces. Such fibers are used as final-stage filters in water and vodka manufacturing, purification of food acids, in oil traps, for generating galvanic solutions and air purification.

On the whole, the implementation of the program, which is designed to run till 2016, will allow expanding the use of special chemical fibers in the production of super durable, super high-modular, super light shock-resistant composite materials for various branches of the production sector. Those include defense industry, space rocket industry, and aviation industry, stressed Vasily Vovk.

The Svetlogorsk-based industrial group Khimvolokno was founded in 1964. It is one of Belarus’ largest chemical enterprises. On 10 January 2012 the enterprise was reincorporated as a public joint-stock company SvetlogorskKhimvolokno. The company comprises a polyether textile fiber factory, an artificial fiber factory, and facilities to make consumer goods.