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Belarusian scientists awarded by Academies of Sciences of Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine

Belarusian scientists have been awarded by the Academies of Sciences of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine following the competition of joint research, BelTA learnt from the press service of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB).

Belarusian scientists got awards recognizing their outstanding contribution to the joint scientific research.

The awards were presented to head of the laboratory of the NASB Scientific Practical Center for Bio-Resources corresponding member Doctor of Biological Sciences Vitaly Semenchenko, department head of the Central Research Institution of Water Resources Integrated Use under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Belarus Vladimir Korneyev for the studies of the influence of anthropogenic factors on aquatic ecosystems amid the climate change processes (Belarus-Ukraine).

Head of the laboratory of the NASB Stepanov Institute of Physics corresponding member Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Professor Sergei Gaponenko and junior staff scientist of the same establishment Sergei Prislopsky were named awardees for the works on semiconducting materials and nanostructures for photonics and sensory (Belarus-Ukraine-Moldova).

In line with the provision the awards of the Academies of Sciences of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine in recognition of outstanding results in joint research have been awarded since 1995. The competition is held once in two years. Winners are named by the presidiums of the academies of sciences of three countries.
Tags: cooperationscience