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Belarusian scientists eager to sell more lasers to China

Belarusian scientists intend to expand cooperation with China for the sake of supplying Belarus-made laser systems, BelTA learned from Nikolai Kazak, Doctor of Physics and Math, Acting Director of the B.I. Stepanov Physics Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, during the online video briefing held on 3 September to highlight the Belarus-Russia Union State program on laser technologies. The video briefing was hosted by the information and analysis website of the Union State of Belarus and Russia.

Nikolai Kazak noted that the laser systems created by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are popular on the global market, for instance, a laser based on frequency conversion and yttrium-aluminum garnets. “By resorting to semiconductor lasers for charging solid-body laser systems we can greatly reduce mass and size parameters and save materials and energy,” the academician explained. “We have created a family of products like that and have signed a number of contracts. In particular, such lasers are already shipped to the USA, Germany, and France.”

“We also have rather large orders from Russian customers. I am talking about dozens of laser systems,” Nikolai Kazak continued. “As far as cooperation with Ukraine is concerned, the number of lasers for shipment is in the hundreds.”

“We are going to expand our cooperation with China because there is an interest,” noted Nikolai Kazak. “Representatives of the Chinese defense industry visited us recently.”