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Belarusian scientists encouraged to come up with new drivers of economic growth


MINSK, 7 October (BelTA) – The substantiation of new drivers of economic development should become the scientific community's response to challenges of the present day and age. Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov made the statement during the opening ceremony of the international science and practice conference “Strategy of development of economy of Belarus: Challenges, tools, prospects” on 7 October, BelTA has learned.

According to Vladimir Gusakov, the new drivers of economic development will ensure long-term stability and quality of economic growth. Effective mechanisms are needed today, which can fully neutralize new threats and ensure economic security in the long run in addition to creating the structural framework of an economy the world deems competitive. The advantages of any modern economy lie in high-tech industries. Those are bio-, nano- and IT industries, nuclear and renewable energy, robotics, electronics, mechatronics, composite materials and additive technologies, the official said.

Speaking about the role and importance of humanities in today's complicated conditions, Vladimir Gusakov stressed that economics scholars need not only generate the latest ideas, actively explore priority areas of knowledge, but also ensure their implementation into the national economy and initiate the relevant projects. “Let me remind you that several years ago the interdisciplinary research cluster Belarusian School of Economics was set up in the Academy of Sciences. The core of the cluster consists of the Institute of Economics, the Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex and the Center for System Analysis and Strategic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The cluster is geared towards mobilizing the country's scientific potential to solve urgent theoretical, methodological and practical problems in the field of social and economic development, towards the formation and development of scientific schools, ensuring the continuity of scientific traditions, supporting research efforts of young scientists, participating in the formation and implementation of innovative scientific and educational programs,” the official said.

The Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is hosting the international science and practice conference “Strategy of development of economy of Belarus: Challenges, tools, prospects” on 7-8 October. The forum features online and offline events. The purpose of the forum is to enable the exchange of expert opinions and discussion about topical aspects concerning the application of R&D products and innovative technologies in the interests of the dynamic development of the real sector. The forum is also supposed to facilitate a joint search for promising directions of modernization of the national economy and the implementation of the foreign economic strategy of Belarus. Taking part in the conference are reputable scientists, economists of scientific organizations, higher education institutions, government agencies, business circles of Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, China, and other countries. A roundtable session on social and economic priorities and mechanisms for strengthening national unity also took place within the framework of the conference.
