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Belarusian scientists ready to work on powerful energy storage systems

Sergei Chizhik. An archive photo

MINSK, 15 September (BelTA) – Belarusian scientists are ready to work on creating powerful energy storage systems, BelTA learned from First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Sergei Chizhik during an exhibition of innovative products and industrial goods in Minsk ahead of People's Unity Day.

Sergei Chizhik said: “Scientists always take pleasure in showing their results. And they take double pleasure when these results are used by the manufacturing sector, for the benefit of people. Today's exhibition is a timely one. Partially it can be considered as a continuation of the travelling exhibition Intellectual Belarus. However, this exhibition focuses more heavily on Minsk's accomplishments. Here we've demonstrated what we can be proud of: new interesting and popular R&D products. We demonstrate that we live in an intellectual country, popularize science, and hope that it will attract young personnel. Today we've managed to hold negotiations with a number of enterprises, which would like to use some products for multiplication. We are open and ready for it.”

In his words, the creation of powerful energy storage systems was discussed during the exhibition among other things. “It is not a problem. We have years of experience of creating energy accumulators for electric vehicles and are ready to switch to massive energy storage systems. We have yet to work on energy cells but we are ready to work on control modules, invertors, assembly optimization. I think this matter will be settled,” the official noted.

Leading organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus presented their R&D products during the exhibition in seven clusters: artificial intelligence; microelectronics; industry 4.0; electric vehicles; biotechnologies, ecology, healthcare, pharmaceutics; agribusiness, food; humanitarian sciences. Full-scale specimens, dummy models, operational models were put on display. Presentations designed to highlight academic science's accomplishments as part of realization of the mega project Intellectual Belarus were arranged. “Results have been demonstrated in mechanical engineering, microbiology, new preparations for agriculture, new foodstuffs,” Sergei Chizhik added.

The exhibition will work in Minsk Arena from 11:00 till 20:00 on 15-17 September. Admittance is free. In addition to R&D products by scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and education institutions visitors can see the best products of Belarus' defense industry, products of Belarusian heavy and light industry enterprises, electronics enterprises, food industry enterprises.
