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Belarusian scientists showcase two new potato varieties at Belagro 2017

Two new potato varieties have been presented by Belarusian scientists at the international agricultural expo Belagro 2017, Vadim Makhanko, Deputy Director General of the scientific and practical center for potato growing and horticulture under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, told BelTA.

“We are regular participants in the Belagro expo. Apart from traditional potato varieties that are popular in Belarus and the neighboring countries, we have brought several novelties to this year’s agricultural forum. These are Tolochinsky and Rubin varieties,” he said.

According to Vadim Makhanko, Tolochinsky is an early potato variety with great eating qualities. “The name comes from Tolochin canning plant that makes part of our center. It is one of the country’s biggest potato producers. The second novelty, Rubin, is a middle-late potato variety with red skin and perfect eating qualities. This variety also shows a high level of storability. We hope that in some two or three years’ time these varieties will find their consumer,” he said. At present the new varieties are undergoing state registration.

Speaking about the potato exports, the specialist noted that the varieties such as Skarb, Briz, Vektor, Uladar, and Manifest enjoy the biggest popularity among Russian consumers, the same as in Belarus. “These varieties have been keeping the leading positions in the sales both in Belarus and Russia in the recent years. I hope that new varieties will become popular as well,” he said.

The stand of the scientific and practical center for potato growing and horticulture at the Belagro expo has also displayed new varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, carrots and beet.

The international agricultural expo Belagro 2017 is taking place in the trade and logistic center Globus Park in the agro-town Shchomyslitsa, Minsk District on 6-10 June. The expo features the most promising areas in crop production, cattle and poultry breeding, the latest product processing, packaging and storage technologies, and also a variety of agricultural equipment.

Taking part in the Belagro 2017 are nearly 500 companies from 25 countries. The forum includes international exhibitions Belferma, Belprodukt, Food Industry, and others. The program comprises conferences, seminars, presentations, master classes, and the competitions Champion of Taste and Best Ploughman. A tender for pedigree animal sales will be held for the first time this year.