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Belarusian student wins silver at international research Olympiad in USA

11th-grade student of the Lyceum of the Belarusian State University (BSU) Nikita Mishchenko won a silver medal at the seventh edition of the I-SWEEP Olympiad (International Sustainable World Energy Engineering Environment Project Olympiad) that took place in Houston (Texas, USA), BelTA learnt from the BSU press service.

The young researcher was awarded for his project “The Model of the mobile device with elements of air cleaning and disinfection”. The BSU noted that this is the highest place Belarusian students had taken in such prestigious research contests. According to the rules of the Olympiad, the Belarusian student will be able to study at the University of Houston for free.

A project of another two BSU Lyceum students was given an honorable mention. This was the project “Multirotor flyer” submitted by Filipp Orekhva and Konstantin Politai.

385 highly qualified projects from 66 different countries were displayed at the Olympiad. The contest is aimed at creating an educational platform to give fledgling scientists an opportunity to present their innovative projects.
Tags: science