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Belarusian traumatology, orthopedics forum to promote international cooperation

The results of work of the 9th Conference of Belarusian Traumatologists and Orthopedists with the participation of international specialists will have a positive influence on the development of traumatology and orthopedics in the country and will determine prospects of international cooperation in science and research, Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich said at the opening of the forum on 16 October, BelTA has learned.

According to the head of government, the decisions that will be made by the participants of the forum, interesting scientific ideas and practical results should be the fortune of the conference participants and all specialists in these fields.

The Prime Minister pointed out the importance of such meetings and mentioned the growing interest of scientists in the forum. “The fact that such forums are visited by colleagues from foreign countries is a testimony to the high professional level of Belarusian traumatologists and orthopedists. It means that there is interest, you can learn from each other and will get mutual benefits,” the Prime Minister said. This year’s conference in Minsk has brought together over 300 specialists from 19 countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Israel, France, Hungary.

Extensive discussion of topical issues, sharing of the best practices are essential for the development of healthcare in modern conditions, Mikhail Myasnikovich is convinced. In his words, taking care of people’s health is a priority of the Belarusian social policy. “Special attention and decisions made by the head of state helped ensure successful and sustainable development of the national healthcare system,” he emphasized.

In the complicated economic conditions the state raises budget allocations for the development of the industry every year. The share of these expenses in Belarus’ gross domestic product is increasing. At present Belarus spends more than 4% of GDP on healthcare.

The Prime Minister praised the high level of Belarusian traumatology and orthopedics which complies with global standards. “The Belarusian school of traumatology and orthopedics is famous abroad. Today it is a good basis for the training of highly-qualified specialists for the needs of the republic and other states,” Mikhail Myasnikovich said.

It is also worth saying that today unique surgeries are performed and advanced treatment technologies are used not only in Minsk, but also in oblast capitals. According to the Prime Minister, the government has provided and will provide necessary targeted assistance for the development of the branches of medicine. “We, in turn, expect new significant achievements and results,” he said.

Mikhail Myasnikovich presented government awards to leading Belarusian specialists in recognition of their big input in the development of healthcare.