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Belarusian truckers most ecofriendly

The share of vehicles compliant with the ecological standards Euro-4 and Euro-5 among the vehicles operated by Belarusian trucking companies has exceeded 50%. The information was released by Nikolai Borovoi, President of the Belarusian Association of International Road Carriers BAMAP, at the press conference held on 21 May and timed to the general meeting of the Association’s members, BelTA has learned.

“It is one of the highest figures among our neighbors, including Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan,” he specified. In his words, last year about $150 million was spent on renewing the vehicle fleet. In 2012 new vehicles under three years old accounted for 37% of the total, the highest figure on record over the last 20 years.

The rising quality parameters of vehicles have been secured through the continued renewal of the vehicle fleet, stated the BAMAP President. “Last year we renewed 16% of it. We should hold on to this figure,” Nikolai Borovoi is convinced. In his words, BAMAP and the National Bank are now discussing the allocation of investments for vehicle purchases.

Yet the BAMAP head mentioned a decrease in profitability per 1km of haulage, although it follows European trends. “If we had not increased the vehicle fleet in this complicated situation, we would not have earned $1 billion by exporting automobile transport services last year,” he believes. In his words, it is now necessary to gradually expand the vehicle fleet and keep it busy.

For the sake of allowing Belarusian truckers to transport more and export more automobile transportation services, the Transport and Communications Ministry with BAMAP support is working to increase the number of travel permits available to Belarusian truckers in foreign territories, including in popular destinations. Last year 22 sessions of mixed commissions on international automobile transportation were held, with over 38,700 extra permits granted as a result.

The Belarusian Association of International Road Carriers BAMAP was founded in 1992 upon the initiative of 24 Belarusian trucking companies. At present the association unites over 1,100 trucking companies, which are members of the Association, candidates, and TIR carnet users.