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Belavia expands e-ticket purchase opportunities


The Belarusian airline Belavia has expanded the opportunities of buying tickets online, BelTA learnt from the company’s press service.

“The airline introduced a new option on its website on 30 July: the sale of tickets on the flights of partner airlines on the routes Belavia does not offer direct flights to,” specialists explained.

The press service also summarized the performance of the company this year, emphasizing that July became a record month for Belavia. The airline transported more than 300,000 passengers over the month for the first time in its history (it is almost 30% more than July 2013). Besides, 31 July registered the highest number of passengers transported over a day – 11,061 people.
According to Belavia representatives, a flexible policy of attracting transit passengers followed by the airline and Minsk National Airport contributed to the growth. Belavia’s transit attractiveness has considerably increased after the reconstruction of the capital airport. Besides, the two abovementioned companies jointly with Minsk 2 Customs have developed a new technology to serve passengers. Under the technology, transit passengers making a stop at Minsk airport can be freed from getting their baggage in Minsk. Last month Belavia performed 3,077 flights, including 1,995 regular flights.

In January-July 2014 almost 1.1 million passengers used Belavia services, what is 22.5% up from the first seven months of the previous year. The airline registered its millionth passenger on 24 July. Last year Belavia had its millionth passenger in late August.

Belavia is the largest air carrier in Belarus. It is based in the National Airport Minsk and offers regular flights to 43 destinations in Europe and Asia. Belavia’s services meet the highest international safety standards. The company operates 26 aircraft. In late January 2014 Belavia acquired a juridical status of an open joint stock company.