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BelAZ vehicle in spotlight at mining industry expo in Russian Novokuznetsk

A BelAZ vehicle won a grand prix at the 21th international specialized expo Russian Coal and Mining 2014 in the city of Novokuznetsk. It is Russia’s largest mining industry expo, representatives of Belarusian Autoworks (BelAZ trademark) told BelTA.

In particular, the BelAZ 75581 rock hauler with the carrying capacity of 90 tonnes won the prize in the nomination Best Exhibit. The new promising product made by the Belarusian company boasts electromechanical alternating-current transmission. The vehicle has already earned acknowledgement and high praise of mining professionals in CIS and non-CIS states, said BelAZ representatives.

A research paper carried out by Russian and Belarusian scientists have been nominated for the Russian government’s prize for this year’s science and technology achievements. The team of researchers includes personnel of OAO BelAZ’s R&D division, the I.P. Bardin Ferrous Metals Research Institute, OAO Severstal, OAO Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, and OOO Yurga Machine Engineering Plant.

The research paper focuses on the creation of new high-durability materials, which are used to make mining systems and transport vehicles able to work hard in low temperatures without accidents. According to BelAZ representatives, the application of such technologies is of immense economic value. The research has been carried out in line with a program of the Union State of Belarus and Russia and has already produced a significant economic and practical effect. A short while ago BelAZ rolled out its first rock hauler with the carrying capacity of 450 tonnes. The vehicle has been entered into the books of records of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Europe and has been nominated for inclusion into the Guinness World Records Book as the world’s largest carrying capacity rock hauler. Sparingly-alloyed high-durability steel varieties have been used to make the giant vehicle. The technology to make such steels relies on the research paper that has been nominated for the government prize, said BelAZ representatives.

OAO BelAZ is the managing company of BelAZ Holding. It is the world’s largest manufacturer of heavy and super heavy carrying capacity rock haulers as well as other heavy transport equipment used by the mining industry and the civil engineering industry.