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BSU Lyceum third at Zhautykov Olympiad in Kazakhstan

The team of the Lyceum of the Belarusian State University (BSU) finished third at the 11th International Zhautykov Olympiad on Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, BelTA learned from the press service of the university.

The competition was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on 11-17 January. The Belarusian team shared the third place with the teams from Tbilisi (Georgia) and Chelyabinsk (Russia).

The Belarusian students also performed well in individual competitions. Valentin Vityaz won silver in mathematics; Nikita Pavlyukevich and Yevgeny Shurygin won silver in physics; Dmitry Kalabuk won silver in computer science. Denis Kim and Yegor Lavrenov clinched bronze in mathematics, while Sergei Omelyanyuk won bronze in computer science.

The team of the Lyceum of the Belarusian State University was led by maths teacher Tatyana Bakhtina. The team of the BSU Lyceum was the only Belarusian team at the Olympiad. All in all, 59 teams from 15 countries took part in the Olympiad.

The International Zhautykov Olympiad on Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science is named after the famous mathematician Orymbek Zhautykov. It is a joint project of the Republican Scientific-Practical Center Daryn and the Republican Specialized Physics-Mathematics Secondary Boarding School for Gifted Students named after Orymbek Zhautykov. This unique intellectual contest continues the traditions of Soviet Olympiads and gives students an opportunity to grow and improve their knowledge in mathematics, physics and computer science.
Tags: science