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BSU signs cooperation agreements at Hannover Messe 2014

The Belarusian State University signed four cooperation agreements and nine agreements of intent with foreign scientific and industrial organizations during Hannover Messe 2014, BelTA learnt from the press service of the university.

The Belarusian university signed an agreement with Laborbio Ltd. (Bulgaria) for the supply of the AlmaMeter measuring complex developed in the research laboratory of information and measurement systems FRKT at the BSU. In addition, the Belarusian university and the Bulgarian company signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of development of laboratory equipment.

The Belarusian university wil soon partner up with Germany’s Karodur which actively implements the latest technology in waterjet cutting. In September 2014 representatives of Karodur will visit Minsk to sign a contract with the Belarusian State University.

In Germany the BSU and the Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences (Harbin, China) signed an agreement on scientific cooperation with the aim of creating new catalysts based on palladium nanoparticles.

At the Hannover Messe 2014 the delegation of the Belarusian State University signed 9 protocols of intent relating to the advancement of measurement technology and high-tech electronics to Europe, cooperation in the field of testing and using new components of portable infrared analyzers and detectors, and development of video surveillance systems and infrared cameras, automatic radiation situation control systems and other issues.

According to the BSU press service, the university delegation held more than 70 meetings with commercial companies and scientific organizations of 19 countries, among which were Australia, Russia, China, Germany, India, Sweden, Greece, the UK, the Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, Bulgaria, Chile and other states.

On the whole, over 15 research products of the Belarusian State University were displayed at Hannover Messe. The exposition of the university featured glasses for laser equipment, equipment to produce goods from PU foam, new water treatment technology, and other inventions.

First Hannover Messe was held in 1947. Today Hannover Messe is the world’s biggest industrial event which attracts over 200,000 visitors a year. The exhibition is a big trading platform for industrial technology, appliances and materials. Among them participants of the expo were 6,500 organizations from 62 countries in 2013.