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BSU signs four contracts with Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences

The Belarusian State University (BSU) has signed four contracts with the Institute of Petrochemistry of the Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences (Harbin, China), BelTA learnt from the press service of the Belarusian State University.

In line with the contracts, scientists from Belarus and China will conduct research in the field of compatibility of organic and non-organic substances. They will also do research on phosphate compounds enhanced by carbon fiber as well as synthesis and subsequent determination of characteristics of the new chemical compounds.

The work will be supervised by the Belarus-China Innovation Center of the Belarusian State University. Taking part in the research projects will be scientists from the Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the BSU, the Chemistry Department of the BSU and the Research Institute of Applied Physics Problems of the BSU.

The cooperation with the Institute of Petrochemistry of the Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences was established many years ago. The institute is a major partner of the Belarusian university in China. The first joint research laboratory was set up at this institute in 2006; a high-tech production facility to manufacture chemical materials using the BSU solutions was established at the institute in 2013.
Tags: cooperationscience