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Chairman of Belarus’ State Science and Technology Committee appointed


President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko appointed Alexander Shumilin Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee on 15 October, the press service of the Belarusian leader told BelTA.

Alexander Shumilin said that in line with instructions of the head of state the Committee will take a closer look at reforming the Belarusian science. The Committee is expected to play a more prominent role in determining priorities in science funding and assessing the effectiveness of the financing of science projects.

The priorities include information technologies, power engineering, bioenergy, and biotechnology. “These areas are the most effective ones and priority ones from the point of view of growing markets,” said Alexander Shumilin.

Apart from that, on 15 October the head of state approved the appointment of Igor Popov as Chief of the Administration of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee.
Tags: Lukashenkoscience