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China Aerospace Corporation Long March to partake in MILEX 2014

China Aerospace Corporation Long March plans to take part in the 7th international armaments and materiel expo MILEX 2014 that will take place in Minsk Arena on 9-12 July, the expo’s press service told BelTA.

It will be the first time the corporation will participate in the forum. A total of over 150 organizations, enterprises, and institutions from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and other CIS states will take part in the expo. Representatives of high-level foreign military delegations are expected to arrive in Minsk as well as weaponry experts and specialists, representatives of scientific circles, developers and designers from over 20 countries.

Enterprises of the Belarusian State Defense Industries Committee will represent a large part of the expo: about 215 full-scale or breadboard models of military products or dual-use products. Taking part in the expo will be also organizations and institutions of the Belarusian Defense Ministry, the State Border Committee, and the Russian state corporation Rostech. A separate part of the expo will be dedicated to capabilities of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The expo will also feature a united stand of the Belarusian Education Ministry, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and the State Science and Technology Committee.

Participants of the expo will showcase their high-tech innovative products in the area of space industry instrument-making, robotics (unmanned aerial units, including air and sea-based ones, remotely controlled weapons), navigation and communication systems, fire control systems; optic, optic-electronic systems and sights; wheeled basic chassis for installing armaments and other special automobiles for military uses; information and telecommunication technologies (protected computers, information visualization solutions, integrated weaponry and troops control systems). Services relating to the repair and modernization of aviation equipment, armored vehicles and air defense systems, radio warfare systems will also be represented.

For the first time MILEX 2014 will feature a perimeter defense sector. Belarusian and foreign specialists and developers have already shown their interest in it. Apart from cutting-edge military products and promising products the expo will feature vehicles and weapons of the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period in the open air. The outdated military hardware has been restored and repaired by the Belarusian Defense Ministry and Belarusian defense enterprises. Many of the exhibits will be later used during the military parade in celebration of the 70th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from the Nazi invaders.

A business program will be an important component of the expo. Close attention will be paid to the 6th international scientific conference on military and technical problems that will feature panel sessions in several areas. Among other things participants of the conference are expected to discuss geoinformation control systems, automated systems to control troops and weapons, radio communication systems, and measures to counteract high-precision weaponry. Radio warfare, radio and radar intelligence collection will also be on the agenda.
Tags: innovationsscience