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China willing to invest in Silicon Valley in Vitebsk


Chinese companies are ready to take part in an investment project to construct a Silicon Valley in Vitebsk, First Deputy Mayor of Harbin Nie Yunling said as he met with Vitebsk Mayor Viktor Nikolaikin on 31 July, BelTA has learnt.

“We are waiting for a business plan to set up the Silicon Valley,” the head of the Harbin official delegation said. He emphasized that they made up their mind to take part in the project and are ready to cooperate with Belarusian companies.

Viktor Nikolaikin noted that a land plot as big as 6,000 square meters has already been allocated to set up the Silicon Valley, i.e. the Park of Information and Innovative Technologies. Preparatory works are now underway there; the works will be completed by 2014. He suggested considering other promising cooperation projects, like investment projects to construct hotels and recreation facilities.

The head of the Harbin delegation showed interest in these projects. He said that joint production of veterinary medicines has great prospects, provided the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Harbin Veterinary Research Institute establish direct contacts. “If we come across suitable projects, we might set up joint production facilities in Belarus,” Nie Yunling said.

The parties also determined specific persons and agencies that will be involved in information exchange and promotion of contacts between Vitebsk and Harbin. They also exchanged invitations to the International Festival of Arts Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk and the Harbin Summer Music Festival.

“All-round cooperation will help cement friendly ties between the peoples of China and Belarus and promote the prosperity of our cities,” Nie Yunling said.

In January-May 2013 the trade between Vitebsk and the People’s Republic of China was estimated at $120.5 million, up 3.2 times compared to the same period last year ($38.2 million in January-May 2012). Belarus’ export amounted to $0.2 million, or 59% as against January-May a year ago. The biggest exporter is Marko footwear producer. Import was estimated at $120.3 million. Vitebsk companies import raw materials and component parts to manufacture monofilament yarn, component parts for PVC windows, yarn, fabric and furnishing, leather, component parts for the footwear industry, drugs, household appliances, equipment, instruments, etc. The major importers are Nordwood, Rubicon, OknaInvest, Belwest Impex, Bell Bimbo Plus, etc.

The cooperation agreement between Vitebsk and Harbin was signed in April 2009. The agreement on establishing twin-town relations was concluded in January 2012. On the same occasion Harbin Development Zone and the Vitebsk City Council signed a cooperation agreement to unite efforts to expand economic and trade contacts and share information.