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CSTO establishing cybersecurity, crisis response centers

The work to establish the cybersecurity center and the crisis response center in the Collective Security Treaty Organization has reached the practical stage, BelTA learned from Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Nikolai Bordyuzha in Moscow on 19 March.

“The decision regarding the cybersecurity center has been made. The presidents have signed the relevant papers. Now everything proceeds in the practical dimension,” said the CSTO Secretary General. “Today we have all the documents to regulate the operation of the center. In the near future authorized representatives of the CSTO member states will meet to address purely practical matters concerning interaction, information exchange, and joint work on investigating and preventing cyber accidents. It is a very serious area of work. It is extremely topical nowadays because the center will be a great boon to the collective security system”.

Speaking about the crisis response center, the CSTO Secretary General said that the premises had been allocated and the equipment was being installed. “We have already agreed on the procedure for cooperating with the Russian Federation defense center and are working to polish interaction with other countries. I hope we will complete this work soon and we will have the center that will allow monitoring the situation and taking preventive measures primarily of political nature for the sake of preventing the development of crisis situations in our countries”.