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Development program for Belarus’ Academy of Sciences by 1 November


The program to guide the development of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) should be ready by 1 November. The statement was made by Head of the Belarus President Administration Andrei Kobyakov at the session of the NASB Presidium on 15 October. The session was dedicated to the appointment of Vladimir Gusakov as Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, BelTA has learned.

Andrei Kobyakov told Vladimir Gusakov that after the relevant government session in August the Belarus President said he would like the program to develop the Academy ready by 1 November 2013. “I am convinced that the development of the program began right after the session chaired by the head of state. We expect the program to be ready on time because the Belarus President Administration plans to make a general assembly of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus part of the head of state’s schedule in order to discuss the program and adopt it later on. It will be your guideline, an action program meant to develop and improve Belarusian science,” said the Head of the Belarus President Administration.

Andrei Kobyakov congratulated Vladimir Gusakov on the appointment and said that it was one of the posts where the length of tenure contributes to relevant accomplishments.

In turn, Vladimir Gusakov thanked the head of state for the trust and said that active work on the program was in progress. “It will be submitted to the Belarus President Administration by 1 November. We will forward it for consideration of the Council of Ministers in the next few days,” said the official.

The Belarus President has instructed the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus to improve performance and the Academy’s integration into the economy. The demand for scientific projects that produce tangible economic effects for the country should be increased. It is necessary to bolster ties between science and manufacturing. “It should be implemented as process flows between fundamental researches, including applied ones and practical results coupled with mass production,” said the new NASB head.

With this in mind the NASB needs to improve its organization and the personnel potential. The NASB needs younger scientists and better labor motivation. According to Vladimir Gusakov, the changes should improve the performance of the economy.
Tags: science