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Ecuador interested in modern Belarusian technologies

Ecuador is interested in modern Belarusian technologies. The statement was made by Minister Coordinator of Production, Employment and Competitiveness Nathalie Cely Suarez as she met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Ecuador Igor Poluyan, the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told BelTA.

During the meeting the sides discussed the state of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, prospects of manufacturing cooperation, and the possibility of building modern industrial enterprises in Ecuador with technical assistance of Belarusian colleagues.

Igor Poluyan presented Belarus' technological, industrial, and export potential. The Ambassador confirmed the readiness of the Belarusian side to assist with the Ecuador government's policy of industrialization and import substitution in every possible way.

Nathalie Cely Suarez said she intends to send a team of experts of the Ministry of Production, Employment and Competitiveness to Belarus soon. While in Belarus the experts will be made familiar with leading Belarusian industrial enterprises and will hold negotiations on specific avenues and forms of bilateral cooperation.