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Ecuador President: Belarus is a strong, technologically advanced country


Belarus has become a strong and technologically advanced country, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa Delgado said as he arrived in Belarus on an official visit on 30 October, BelTA has learnt.

“I am happy to be in the brotherly country of Belarus and visit the heroic city of Minsk. I know that Minsk as well as the whole Belarus was completely destroyed by the Nazis during World War II. Thanks to strong willed and hardworking people of Belarus, the country was rebuilt and has become a strong and technologically advanced state,” the President of Ecuador said.

Rafael Correa Delgado also noted that according to the UN rating Belarus is among the most developed countries in the human capital development index group. That is why it is of special importance for the Ecuadorian delegation to visit the country.

The Ecuadorian leader expressed intention to strengthen cooperation between the two countries.