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EEC set to create conditions for innovative transformation of industrial sector

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) has plans to create the conditions conducive to innovative transformation of manufacturing industries in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), BelTA learned from the EEC press service.

A draft schedule for the preparation of regulations and measures to implement the major guidelines for industrial cooperation in the EEU was approved at a meeting of the industry advisory committee chaired by member of the EEC (Minister) for Industry and Agriculture Sergei Sidorsky.  

The major guidelines for industrial cooperation are a strategic mid-term document regulating the industrial policy of the EEU member states. The document is aimed at ensuring progress on such key matters as the creation of new innovative industry sectors, production of new kinds of goods meant for export, modernization, strengthening of the innovation capacity of the industrial sectors of the EEU member states, and elimination of barriers to cooperation and mutual trade in industrial products.

The schedule for the drafting of regulations is an action-oriented document, a roadmap for the EEC-assisted implementation of the major guidelines by the countries of the EEU. The document spells out specific measures and practical steps for intensification of industrial cooperation in the EEU and drafting of the necessary legal acts.

“The implementation of the schedule will advance our progress in the major guidelines and create preconditions for the innovative transformation of industrial sectors in the EEU member states. It will help us get a real integrated effect from the joint development of the manufacturing industries in the union,” the press service emphasized.

The document will be submitted for consideration at the next session of the EEU Council.