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EEU roaming agreement to be signed in spring 2015

The international roaming agreement in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) will be signed in the spring of 2015, Belarus’ First Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Technology Dmitry Shedko told reporters as he met with Russian Minister of Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov on 27 January, BelTA has learned.

The Eurasian Economic Union member states are set to develop the common market of telecommunications services. In 2015, the international roaming project will reach its final stage. The first agreement on this issue will be signed in Moscow in spring,” he said.

According to Dmitry Shedko, the work on international roaming is done gradually, and it is difficult to say yet when precisely the service will be available to subscribers. "This will for sure happen by 2020. By that time we are set to have the single market of communication services," he explained.

"The agreement will cover not only the countries of the Customs Union but some CIS countries who would be willing to join us," said Dmitry Shedko.

The development of the common market of communication services provides for a set of shared solutions: cross-border data transfer, creating equal conditions for enterprises who want to work in the market of one of the countries of the Customs Union, the formation of tariffs, the use of new technologies, natural resources such as radio frequency spectrum, the development of common rules on the protection of consumer rights.