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Farthest advancement in Belarus-Russia integration projects in electronics

Belarus-Russia integration projects have advanced farthest in the area of high technologies and electronics, BelTA learned from State Secretary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia Grigory Rapota on 26 September.

“Quite good advancement has been secured by a number of integration projects, for instance, those involving Belarusian Integral and Rostec Corporation. On the whole, we advance most successfully in the area of high technologies, electronics, and the creation of components,” noted the official. In his words, both sides are clearly motivated to cooperate, create joint products, and take part in government orders.

Grigory Rapota said that other projects, including those involving MAZ and MZKT, also advance and there are roadmaps that will allow implementing the projects that have been sketched out.

At present Belarus and Russia are working on five industrial integration projects: the automobile holding company Rosbelavto (OAO MAZ – OAO KamAZ), OAO Integral and OAO Russian Electronics of the state corporation Rostec Corporation; OAO Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant and the state corporation Rostec Corporation; OAO Peleng and the Federal Space Agency Roscosmos; OAO Grodno Azot and OAO Mineral and Chemical Company EuroChem or OOO Gazprom Investproject.