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Genome biotechnologies for agriculture in spotlight in Minsk on 15 October

Genome biotechnologies for agribusiness will be high on the agenda of the 6th international scientific seminar that will take place in Minsk on 15 October to discuss genetics products for agriculture, representatives of the Genetics and Cytology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus told BelTA.

The seminar will be held for the sake of informing researchers and industry specialists about achievements of modern genetic science, for accelerating the assimilation of modern research methods in breeding practices, for the development and enhancement of scientific and practical ties between biological and agrarian institutions.

The source noted that considerable experience of the development and utilization of genome biotechnologies for raising the effectiveness of the selection process in crop husbandry has been accumulated over the last few years. DNA marking technologies are developed and applied as part of the selection process. The technologies allow evaluating the quality of the initial selection material on the basis of the availability of the genes the plant breeder desires. Then the technologies allow controlling these genes to produce new crop varieties with predetermined qualities.

Taking part in the seminar will be representatives of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Agriculture and Food Ministry, professors and students of Belarusian agrarian and biological universities.