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Georgia interested in Belarus’ IT experience

Georgia is interested in Belarus’ experience in the sphere of information technologies, BelTA learned from David Tsekvava, Vice President of the Georgian company ICTBC, on 23 March.

The ICTBC Vice President said: “Several major Georgian IT companies are represented at the business forum. They are interested in the experience of companies from Belarus, which have positioned themselves seriously on the global market. After the forum we hope there will be many interesting projects and agreements between the sides,” noted David Tsekvava.

In turn, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Georgia Nino Chikovani said that relations between the private sectors of the Belarusian and Georgian economies have been invigorated considerably in the last few years. “The Georgian delegation at the forum is very representative. As many as 27 heads of major companies have come to establish business contacts, reinforce the existing business ties, and stimulate new partnering relations,” she stressed.

Nino Chikovani stated that Georgia is particularly interested in cooperation with Belarus in the mechanical engineering industry, in the sphere of information and telecommunication technologies.