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Good prospects for electric transport in China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone


SMOLEVICHI DISTRICT, 16 July (BelTA) – Eight companies residing in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone focus on the matter of electric transport, BelTA learned from Head of the Administration of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone Aleksandr Yaroshenko during an event held on 16 July on the occasion of Electric Transport Day.

Aleksandr Yaroshenko said: “Today's event is significant for the Great Stone park and for the country as a whole. Electric Transport Day is becoming a traditional holiday and has been held for two years in a row now. Electric transport is on the agenda today. It is extremely important for the entire world. Even climate tells us that we have to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The park also actively develops electric transport. The park is now home to 71 companies, including eight that focus on the matter of electric transport one way or another. More companies and investors intend to start operating in the park with a focus on electric transport soon.”

In turn, Director General of SZAO Industrial Park Development Company Yan Gang remarked that abnormally hot weather is registered in various parts of the world this summer. Belarus is no exception. It has been hot in Belarus for a month. It is a vivid manifestation of global warming. “We all live in a global village. Climate change is our common problem. This is why within the framework of global cooperation on climate the United Nations Organization actively promotes the use of clean sources of energy, the creation of a green ecosystem, and the enabling of sustainable development of our society,” he said. “Automobile industry is one of the leaders in terms of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. It is very important for the industry to switch to new sources of energy and abandon conventional sources of fuel.”

According to Yan Gang, the 21st century is an age of new sources of energy. The China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone is ready to use past accomplishments to continue helping new resident companies settle down in the park and explore new energy industry opportunities. The park is also ready to enable conditions for starting the production of Belarusian automobiles of proprietary design, he said.

Electric Transport Day in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone gathered representatives of a number of organizations, which work is connected to electric transport, including representatives of the manufacturing sector, companies that import electric vehicles, and scientists.

Cars and electric utility vehicles were put on display. An ice resurfacer made by MTZ was one of them. The products on display also included electric buses made by Belkommunmash and MAZ, some of the latest electric vehicles made by Tesla, BMW, and Chevrolet. Visitors could see Belarus' smallest electric vehicle as well as new models of electric motorcycles, electric scooters, and electric bicycles. The event's program included test drives, competitions for electric unicycle riders, and a race of children's electric cars organized by the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom.

A roundtable session was arranged to discuss prospects of development of electric transport and vehicle charging infrastructure in Belarus. Its participants discussed the realization of a comprehensive program on electric transport development in 2021-2025, projections concerning the electric vehicle market taking into account existing stimulating measures and plans to develop the charging infrastructure.

The event was organized by the Belarusian Energy Ministry and the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone.
