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High localization for telecom equipment manufacturing in Belarus promised

High localization will be secured for manufacturing telecommunication and communication systems in Belarus, BelTA learned from Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich on 8 September.

“The market is very large — about $500 million — and it grows all the time. We and Huawei Company have agreed that by 1 January 2017 we will reach the localization level of at least 37%. The company agreed to that. The company sees that the Belarusian market and the Customs Union market are full of promise,” noted the Prime Minister.

On 8 September Mikhail Myasnikovich took part in the ceremony to open labs for intellectual remote surveillance systems and modern information and communication technologies of the Huawei Technologies training center in the education institution Higher State College of Communications. The labs are fitted with automatic telephone station equipment that supports IP telephony, multiservice access, VoIP gateways, a high-definition video conferencing system, a dummy of an intellectual automobile traffic management system. The labs contribute an investment in the future, in personnel training, in production and design at a factory of Promsvyaz Company, stated the head of government.

In turn, Huawei Vice President Zhao Xiaobing underlined that the opening of the company's training center at premises of the Higher State College of Communications is a project that is important both for the Belarusian side and the Chinese one. “We will tell Belarusian students in what direction the global telecommunication market is developing. Today we promised to the prime minister of Belarus that we will select the best students of the college and will bring them to China for the summer vacations. With the help of the project we hope to improve the education level of Belarusian students. As a result, they will be better prepared for work, including working as part of our company,” noted Zhao Xiaobing.

In his words, Huawei's management believes it is necessary to constantly increase the localization level. “In our Belarusian office as many as 85% of the employees are Belarusians while the Chinese constitute only 15%. This is why we believe that it is better to use local personnel since they can work with customers more closely. We will train such personnel in the center that has been opened,” explained the Vice President of Huawei.